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Saturday, 2 March The Riasc Centre, Feltrim Rd, Drinan, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 PX85, Ireland Alpha Ireland are hosting a conference  in the Riasc Centre, Swords, Co. Dublin on Saturday 2nd March, which promises to be an amazing time of networking, prayer, and inspiration from high-quality speakers. We’ll be hearing inspiring stories from mission around Ireland, […]

6 – 8 February 2024 The Christian Institute is an evangelical Christian Charity based in the UK that defends Judeo/Christian values.  They have a strong track record over a good number of years in N. Ireland and the rest of the UK.In 2020 they helped over 200 Christian parents, teachers and school principals with practical […]

Bear Grylls, the renowned survivalist and author, has faced countless challenges in his life, from summiting Mount Everest at a young age to recovering from a skydiving accident. Recently though, Bear took a significant step in his spiritual journey by getting baptized in the Jordan River – the very place where Jesus Christ was baptized. […]

It’s been a tough year for many, but once again we are so grateful for the support of our listeners who gave faithfully throughout the year, making it possible to keep us on air, spreading the good news of the Gospel and bringing positivity into homes, offices and cars everyday. We hear every day from […]

The GMA Dove Awards were announced last weekend – Kieran chats with Wendy about the highlights of this year’s awards, tell us who the big winners were and features moving speeches made by some of  Spirit Radio’s favourite artists!

Tuesday, 31 October⋅18:00 – 21:00 Solid Rock Centre Dublin, 6 Goldenbridge Industrial Estate, Inchicore, Dublin 8. As part of the National Day of Prayer and National Praise Day (both on 31st October) we are asking all Churches and Christian ministries to join us in dedicating the day to praise and prayer. The National Day of […]

The Pro Life Campaign’s National Conference will take place on Saturday the 14th of October at the RDS in Dublin. This year’s conference is all about growing the pro-life vote, with engaging speakers, insightful workshops and information stands. Keynote speakers at the conference will include the founder of ‘Culture of Life Africa’, Obianuju Ekeocha and […]

Two workshops in Ireland: Saturday 23rd September:  Discovery Church Galway, Industrial Development Agency, Small Business Center, Park Tuam Rd. Galway  H91C6Y2 Saturday, 30 September: Cross Hill Community Church Wexford Rd. Carlow R93X343 A Counseling Model for People in Ministry is a six hour workshop that will help you become a more effective counselor. Developed from […]

The smash-hit movie, Sound of Freedom, whose success has taken the Hollywood establishment by surprise, will come to Ireland in September after raking in nearly $150 million at the U.S. box office. Sound of Freedom is based on the real-life story of the efforts of former government agent Tim Ballard who works to rescue victims […]

Spirit Radio has a part time work available. (Up to 20 hours a week) You will be working in the space where computer technology meets broadcast technology.  The ideal candidate will: Have an interest in Christian Radio.  To be proficient with sufficient knowledge to manage & maintain computer networks, Antivirus protection, Microsoft 365 integration and […]

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