Joy Impacts the Growth of your Brain

Written by on 1st June 2024

Joy – Impacts the Growth of your Brain

OK.. so this is amazing…

According to scientists, there’s an area in the brain that grows every time you see someone’s face lighting up to see you. Every time you hear a warm welcome in someone’s voice.

Yep, apparently this part of your brain can detect and will respond to positive body language in another person.

It’s all about relationship – this part of your brain doesn’t respond to stuff – it responds and grows – every time there is a joyful relational connection.

And what’s more, this part of your brain – apparently – has the capacity to grow and keep growing from the moment you are born till the moment that God finally brings you home.

So what does that mean? Well, it means those initial greetings – the face lighting up, the hug, the warm smile – the positive words that say,  ‘I see you – I like you’.

Those greetings are so important.

According to the neural scientists, those greetings are making deposits into the Joy Account.

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